When we got to the area where they sell products I was like a kid in a candy store. I want to set up my own grooming business once I'm done school and if Andrew weren't with me I probably would have spent far too much money. I was good though and ended up leaving with only a shampoo bottle thats good for diluting shampoo's with water.(I would have bought more but a week prior at Petsmart I bought shampoo and spray conditioner and a few other things). We spent about an hour and a half at the dog show, most of that was spent just walking around looking at all the cute doggies. Some of the breeds we saw were Afghan hounds,Siberian Huskies, Chihuahua's, German Shepherds, Shih Tzu's, Bearded Collies, Basset hounds and many many more. On our way out...we saw this MASSIVE dog...I wasn't sure what breed it was so I asked the owner. It was an English Mastiff (which Andrew though was called the English Massive lol). Apparently this is the dog Andrew wants. We'll have to have a bigger house and a lot of money to be able to feed that dog each month. He was HUGE! So timid....but so big!
Well, this will be a short blog but it's dinner time now and I'm getting far to into this episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer! (I haven't watched this show in years!)
Animal fact # 2 - Orange(or red) cats are almost always male.
Environment tip # 2: Grow your own fruits and vegetables - Dramatically reduces your foods carbon footprint.